Source code for pysatNASA.instruments.de2_vefi

"""Module for the DE2 VEFI instrument.

.. deprecated:: 0.0.6
    The '' tag is deprecated. This data set is replaced by the de2_vefimagb
    instrument. The '' tag will be removed in 0.1.0+ to reduce redundancy.

From CDAWeb (adpated):
This directory gathers data for the VEFI instrument that flew on the DE 2
spacecraft which was launched on 3 August 1981 into an elliptical orbit with
an altitude range of 300 km to 1000 km and re-entered the atmosphere on
19 February 1983.

dca   (NSSDC ID: 81-070B-02C)

This data set contains the averaged (2 samples per second) DC electric fields in
spacecraft coordinates and orbit information in ASCII format.

ac   (NSSDC ID: 81-070B-02E)

This data set contains the averaged AC electric field data (1 or 2 points per
second) and orbit information.

Maynard, N. C., E. A. Bielecki, H. G. Burdick, Instrumentation for vector
electric field measurements from DE-B, Space Sci. Instrum., 5, 523, 1981.

    '', 'dca', 'ac'
    none supported

- Currently no cleaning routine.


import datetime as dt
import functools
import warnings

import pysat
from pysat.instruments.methods import general as mm_gen
from pysatNASA.instruments.methods import cdaweb as cdw
from pysatNASA.instruments.methods import de2 as mm_de2
from pysatNASA.instruments.methods import general as mm_nasa

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument attributes

platform = 'de2'
name = 'vefi'
tags = {'': '62 ms combination of Electric Field and Magnetometer',
        'dca': '500 ms cadence DC Averaged Electric Field data',
        'ac': '500 ms cadence AC Electric Field data'}
inst_ids = {'': [tag for tag in tags.keys()]}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument test attributes

_test_dates = {'': {tag: dt.datetime(1983, 1, 1) for tag in tags.keys()}}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument methods

[docs] def init(self): """Initialize the Instrument object with instrument specific values.""" if self.tag == '': warnings.warn(" ".join(["The '' tag for `de2_vefi` has been", "deprecated and will be removed in 0.1.0+."]), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) mm_nasa.init(self, module=mm_de2, return
# Use default clean clean = mm_nasa.clean # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instrument functions # # Use the default CDAWeb and pysat methods # Set the list_files routine datestr = '{year:04d}{month:02d}{day:02d}_v{version:02d}' fid = {'': '62ms_vefimagb', 'ac': 'ac500ms_vefi', 'dca': 'dca500ms_vefi'} fname = 'de2_{fid:s}_{datestr:s}.cdf' supported_tags = {'': {tag: fname.format(fid=fid[tag], datestr=datestr) for tag in tags.keys()}} list_files = functools.partial(mm_gen.list_files, supported_tags=supported_tags) # Set the load routine
[docs] def load(fnames, tag='', inst_id='', **kwargs): """Load DE2 VEFI data. This routine is called as needed by pysat. It is not intended for direct user interaction. Parameters ---------- fnames : array-like Iterable of filename strings, full path, to data files to be loaded. This input is nominally provided by pysat itself. tag : str Tag name used to identify particular data set to be loaded. This input is nominally provided by pysat itself. (default='') inst_id : str Instrument ID used to identify particular data set to be loaded. This input is nominally provided by pysat itself. (default='') Returns ------- data : pds.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with data prepared for the `pysat.Instrument`. meta : pysat.Meta Metadata formatted for a pysat.Instrument object. Note ---- Several variables relating to time stored in different formats are dropped. These are redundant and complicate the load procedure. """ if tag == '': # Warn user that e-field data is dropped. estr = 'E-field data dropped' pysat.logger.warn(estr) # Drop E-field data if 'use_cdflib' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop('use_cdflib') data, meta = cdw.load_xarray(fnames, tag=tag, inst_id=inst_id, epoch_name='mtimeEpoch', drop_dims='vtimeEpoch', **kwargs) if hasattr(data, 'to_pandas'): data = data.to_pandas() else: # xarray 0.16 support required for operational server data = data.to_dataframe() else: data, meta = cdw.load_pandas(fnames, tag=tag, inst_id=inst_id, **kwargs) return data, meta
# Set the download routine download_tags = {'': {'': 'DE2_62MS_VEFIMAGB', 'ac': 'DE2_AC500MS_VEFI', 'dca': 'DE2_DCA500MS_VEFI'}} download = functools.partial(cdw.cdas_download, supported_tags=download_tags) # Set the list_remote_files routine list_remote_files = functools.partial(cdw.cdas_list_remote_files, supported_tags=download_tags)