Source code for pysatNASA.instruments.cnofs_vefi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module for the C/NOFS VEFI instrument.

Supports the Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI)
onboard the Communication and Navigation Outage Forecasting
System (C/NOFS) satellite. Downloads data from the
NASA Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb).

Description from CDAWeb:

The DC vector magnetometer on the CNOFS spacecraft is a three axis, fluxgate
sensor with active thermal control situated on a 0.6m boom.  This magnetometer
measures the Earth's magnetic field using 16 bit A/D converters at 1 sample per
sec with a range of .. 45,000 nT.  Its primary objective on the CNOFS
spacecraft is to enable an accurate V x B measurement along the spacecraft
trajectory.  In order to provide an in-flight calibration of the magnetic field
data, we compare the most recent POMME model (the POtsdam Magnetic Model of the
Earth, with the actual magnetometer
measurements to help determine a set of calibration parameters for the gains,
offsets, and non-orthogonality matrix of the sensor axes.  The calibrated
magnetic field measurements are provided in the data file here. The VEFI
magnetic field data file currently contains the following variables:
B_north   Magnetic field in the north direction
B_up      Magnetic field in the up direction
B_west    Magnetic field in the west direction

The data is PRELIMINARY, and as such, is intended for BROWSE PURPOSES ONLY.

A brief discussion of the C/NOFS mission and instruments can be found at
de La Beaujardière, O., et al. (2004), C/NOFS: A mission to forecast
scintillations, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 66, 1573–1591,

    Select measurement type, one of {'dc_b'}
    None supported

- tag = 'dc_b': 1 second DC magnetometer data

- The data is PRELIMINARY, and as such, is intended for BROWSE PURPOSES ONLY.
- Limited cleaning routine.
- Module not written by VEFI team.


import datetime as dt
import functools
import numpy as np

from pysat.instruments.methods import general as mm_gen
from pysat import logger

from pysatNASA.instruments.methods import cdaweb as cdw
from pysatNASA.instruments.methods import cnofs as mm_cnofs

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument attributes

platform = 'cnofs'
name = 'vefi'
tags = {'dc_b': 'DC Magnetometer data - 1 second'}
inst_ids = {'': ['dc_b']}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument test attributes

_test_dates = {'': {'dc_b': dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1)}}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument methods

[docs]def init(self): """Initialize the Instrument object with instrument specific values. Runs once upon instantiation. """ self.acknowledgements = mm_cnofs.ackn_str self.references = '\n'.join((mm_cnofs.refs['mission'], mm_cnofs.refs['vefi'])) return
[docs]def clean(self): """Clean VEFI data to the specified level. Note ---- 'dusty' or 'clean' removes data when interpolation flag is set to 1 'dirty' is the same as 'none' """ if (self.clean_level == 'dusty') | (self.clean_level == 'clean'): idx, = np.where(self['B_flag'] == 0) = self[idx, :] return
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instrument functions # # Use the default CDAWeb and pysat methods # Set the list_files routine fname = ''.join(('cnofs_vefi_bfield_1sec_{year:04d}{month:02d}{day:02d}', '_v{version:02d}.cdf')) supported_tags = {'': {'dc_b': fname}} list_files = functools.partial(mm_gen.list_files, supported_tags=supported_tags) # Set the load routine load = cdw.load # Set the download routine basic_tag = {'remote_dir': '/pub/data/cnofs/vefi/bfield_1sec/{year:4d}/', 'fname': fname} download_tags = {'': {'dc_b': basic_tag}} download = functools.partial(, supported_tags=download_tags) # Set the list_remote_files routine list_remote_files = functools.partial(cdw.list_remote_files, supported_tags=download_tags)