Loading ICON IVM data

pysatNASA uses pysat to load space science instrument data. As specified in the pysat tutorial, data may be loaded using the following commands. Data from the Ion Velocity Meter on board the Ionospheric CONnection Explorer (ICON) is used as an example.

import datetime as dt
import pysat
import pysatNASA as py_nasa


old_time = dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1)
ivm = pysat.Instrument(platform='icon', name='ivm',
                       inst_id='a', update_files=True)

The output shows some basic info about the instrument object, as well as information about the data loaded.

pysat Instrument object
Platform: 'icon'
Name: 'ivm'
Tag: ''
Instrument id: 'a'

Data Processing
Cleaning Level: 'clean'
Data Padding: None
Keyword Arguments Passed to list_files: {}
Keyword Arguments Passed to load: {}
Keyword Arguments Passed to preprocess: {}
Keyword Arguments Passed to download: {}
Keyword Arguments Passed to list_remote_files: {}
Keyword Arguments Passed to clean: {}
Keyword Arguments Passed to init: {}
Custom Functions: 0 applied

Local File Statistics
Number of files: 402
Date Range: 22 October 2019 --- 29 December 2020

Loaded Data Statistics
Date: 01 January 2020
DOY: 001
Time range: 31 December 2019 23:59:57 --- 01 January 2020 23:59:55
Number of Times: 86400
Number of variables: 91

Variable Names:
A_Activity          A_Status            Altitude
Unit_Vector_Zonal_X Unit_Vector_Zonal_Y Unit_Vector_Zonal_Z

pysat Meta object
Tracking 21 metadata values
Metadata for 92 standard variables
Metadata for 0 ND variables