Source code for pysatNASA.instruments.timed_see

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Supports the SEE instrument on TIMED.

Downloads data from the NASA Coordinated Data
Analysis Web (CDAWeb).

Supports two options for loading that may be
specified at instantiation.

    None supported
    If True, then two dimensional data is flattened across
    columns. Name mangling is used to group data, first column
    is 'name', last column is 'name_end'. In between numbers are
    appended 'name_1', 'name_2', etc. All data for a given 2D array
    may be accessed via, data.loc[:, 'item':'item_end']
    If False, then 2D data is stored as a series of DataFrames,
    indexed by Epoch. data.loc[0, 'item']

- no tag required

- Currently no cleaning routine.


import datetime as dt
import functools
import pandas as pds

from pysat.instruments.methods import general as mm_gen
from pysat import logger

from pysatNASA.instruments.methods import cdaweb as cdw
from pysatNASA.instruments.methods import general as mm_nasa

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument attributes

platform = 'timed'
name = 'see'
tags = {'': ''}
inst_ids = {'': [tag for tag in tags.keys()]}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument test attributes

_test_dates = {'': {'': dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1)}}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument methods

[docs]def init(self): """Initialize the Instrument object with instrument specific values. Runs once upon instantiation. """ rules_url = '' ackn_str = ' '.join(('Please see the Rules of the Road at', rules_url)) self.acknowledgements = ackn_str self.references = ' '.join(('Woods, T. N., Eparvier, F. G., Bailey,', 'S. M., Chamberlin, P. C., Lean, J.,', 'Rottman, G. J., Solomon, S. C., Tobiska,', 'W. K., and Woodraska, D. L. (2005),', 'Solar EUV Experiment (SEE): Mission', 'overview and first results, J. Geophys.', 'Res., 110, A01312,', 'doi:10.1029/2004JA010765.')) return
# No cleaning, use standard warning function instead clean = mm_nasa.clean_warn # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instrument functions # # Use the default CDAWeb and pysat methods # Set the list_files routine fname = 'timed_l3a_see_{year:04d}{month:02d}{day:02d}_v{version:02d}.cdf' supported_tags = {'': {'': fname}} list_files = functools.partial(mm_gen.list_files, supported_tags=supported_tags, file_cadence=pds.DateOffset(months=1)) # Set the load routine load = functools.partial(cdw.load, file_cadence=pds.DateOffset(months=1)) # Set the download routine basic_tag = {'remote_dir': ''.join(('/pub/data/timed/see/data/level3a_cdf', '/{year:4d}/{month:02d}/')), 'fname': fname} download_tags = {'': {'': basic_tag}} download = functools.partial(, supported_tags=download_tags) # Set the list_remote_files routine list_remote_files = functools.partial(cdw.list_remote_files, supported_tags=download_tags)